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INTERX (インターエックス) is KIRA's decentralized middleware service, often referred to as the network's Content Availability Layer. It handles node monitoring, peer discovery, response caching, proxying, load balancing, storage, sequencing, and propagation (targeted gossiping) of data and transactions. Specifically, INTERX optimizes communication between KIRA's back-end services, such as SEKAI and RollApps, and their frontend applications. It achieves this by enabling well-connected, application-dedicated network subnets.

INTERX simplifies the transition from Web2 to Web3 for developers by removing the complexity of blockchain interactions. Web3 interactions often involve dealing with smart contracts and complex interfaces that must be queried and interpreted like Ethereum's ABI or decoded like SCALE encoded metadata for Substrate RPC, an overwhelming and cumbersome change from the straightforward API calls typical used in Web2 environments. By offering a familiar Web2-like API interface and acting as the default 'Sequencer' for applications, INTERX reduces the learning curve of Web3, empowering developers to focus more on their business logic.

One of INTERX's most important features is its combination of digital signatures and fraud proofs to effectively function as a decentralized API. This feature eliminates the need for light client implementations and maintenance, as well as dependence on centralized SSL certificate authorities.