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Consensus Nodes Ranking & Status Management

Ranking System


The rank value is a measure of a node's performance and is used to inform the governance system about the node's activity. It does not affect the operation or future revenue of the node, but it may impact the visibility of the node in the public ranking system on the frontend application.

KIRA’s Consensus nodes ranking system and associated node statuses operate on block production and missed blocks counter, and are measured through two performance indicators, streak and rank.

  • The streak functions like a short-term performance indicator, showing the sequential number of successful block proposals by a consensus node in real time. This is akin to kill-streaks in video games. A failure to propose a single block resets the streak to zero and increases the node's mischance_confidence counter.
  • In contrast, the rank acts as a long-term performance indicator, reflecting the maximum streak a validator has ever achieved. It is the main performance indicator.

While a node's rank may decrease due to missed blocks, the ranking system accommodates for the unpredictability of block production chances and waits until a node misses a mischance_confidence number of blocks before considering the node offline. When a node's status becomes offline, each subsequent missed block, or mischance counter, decreases the node's rank by a constant amount, mischance_rank_decrease_amount (set to 10 by default). However, if a node's status remains offline and their mischance score surpasses the max_mischance value, defined in the network properties, the system will categorize the node as inactive. An inactive status triggers a decrease in the node's rank by a percentage amount, defined by inactive_rank_decrease_percent (set to 50% by default).

Consequently, inactive consensus nodes are removed from the consensus node set and are barred from producing blocks. They can return to active status only after a configurable period called downtime_inactive_duration, which is defined in the network properties. This time delay prevents inactive nodes from immediately regaining access to block rewards, serving as a penalty for extended downtime without the need for slashing. Once the downtime_inactive_duration has passed, node operators can signal readiness to produce blocks again, having resolved their internal issues, by using the activate CLI.

The governance can adjust all these network properties to ensure a probabilistically fair decrease in a node's rank and to promote high uptime through gamification.

Ranking Reset

It may be useful for the governance to reset all ranks simultaneously (e.g., incentivized games, etc.). For this purpose, the governance module has a dedicated proposal and corresponding voting permission.

Node Statuses

Depending on it’s performance and activity, a consensus node can have one of the following statuses:

activeValidator is actively participating in consensus, proposing and signing blocks. Every produced block increases validator rank by 1
inactiveValidator stopped producing blocks and didn't signal to the network any planned maintenance. As the result his rank got slashed.
pausedValidator node entered maintenance node and is not producing blocks. The rank is not impacted.
jailedValidator is jailed (permanently) due to double signing fault. Governance must investigate reason for the fault and unjail node via proposal.

Pausing Node

For planned maintenance where a consensus node must be offline, it can use the pause CLI to remove itself from the consensus node set. This will prevent the its rank from being impacted and the node will not be inactivated. When it is back online, the consensus node can use the unpause CLI to signal to the network that it is ready to rejoin the consensus node set.

Initial Framework for Determining Optimal Ranking System Values

Determining the optimal values for max_mischance and inactive_rank_decrease_percent depends on various factors, including the specific network conditions, the desired level of decentralization, average time for automatic recovery and the overall network performance. Based on the average block production rate, expected node uptime, and network latency of existing Cosmos ecosystem chains, the following initial values are proposed.

  • mischance_confidence: In the Cosmos ecosystem, the average block time is around 5-7 seconds. To give a node a reasonable amount of time to recover from temporary issues, mischance_confidence could be set to a value equivalent to 10 minutes, such as 120 blocks (assuming a 5-second block time). This would allow nodes to recover from short-term issues without being unfairly penalized.
  • max_mischance: Assuming an expected node uptime of 99% per day (i.e 14.4min of allowed downtime per day) and considering network latency, we can initially set max_mischance to 60 blocks (5min) . This means that, after missing 120 blocks, if a node misses another 60 consecutive blocks, its status will change to being inactive and its rank will be slashed.
  • inactive_rank_decrease_percent: To create a competitive environment that encourages node operators to maintain high performance, we can set the inactive_rank_decrease_percent to 20%. This value is significant enough to incentivize operators to address any issues leading to downtime quickly, without being overly punitive for temporary issues.


Validator Signing Info

addressstringkira1yq8l...The address of the consensus node.
start_heightint641500The height at which the consensus node was first a candidate OR was activated.
inactive_untilgoogle.protobuf.Timestamp2023-05-09T00:00:00ZThe timestamp consensus node has to wait to re-activate.
missed_blocks_counterint640Total missed blocks counter.
produced_blocks_counterint644500Total produced blocks counter.
mischance_confidenceint640Mischance confidence counter - counts when node is in active status.
mischanceint640Missed blocks counter - counts after mischance_confidence is reached and if node is in active status.
last_present_blockint641575648The last block height signed by the consensus node.

Consensus Nodes Rank

Nodes rank and statuses are stored in the x/staking module and can be queried using Consensus nodes CLI.

val_keysdk.ValAddresskiravaloper1yq8lg...The validator key, casted to a Cosmos SDK ValAddress type.
pub_keysdk.PubKeykiravalconspub1zcjduepqw...The public key of the validator, accepted as a cosmos.crypto.PubKey interface.
statusstringactiveThe current status of the validator.
rankint64112A long-term statistic implying the longest streak that a validator ever achieved. This helps to judge real-life performance and reliability of validators.
streakint6410The consecutive number of times that a given validator successfully proposed a block (since the last time they failed) that was accepted into the blockchain state. Similar to kill-streaks in video games, this implies short-term performance.

CLI Syntax & Examples


Each CLI command and proposal process in KIRA requires specific permissions. These permissions must be added to the account's whitelist or obtained as sudo permissions for direct changes. Refer to the Roles & Permissions documentation for more details.


$SIGNER represents the transaction signer's account name or address. For instructions on setting common flags as environment variables, such as $FLAGS_TX and $FLAGS_QR, see the CLI Guide page.


pausePause a consensus node.
unpauseUnpause a consensus node.
activateActivate a consensus node previously inactivated for downtime

Pause Validator

sekaid tx customslashing pause \

Unpause Validator

sekaid tx customslashing unpause \

Activating an Inactive Node

sekaid tx customslashing activate \