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Loading & Choosing Network

Loading Page

The loading page is responsible for connecting to the INTERX node. MIRO always tests the server hosting INTERX for availability before establishing a connection. Data can be extracted from two sources:

  1. IPFS URL: This is an example URL - at the end of the URL, there is an RPC address (
  2. network_list_config.json file: This file contains information about predefined servers in JSON format. MIRO automatically tries to connect to the first server on the list. The JSON structure is as follows:
"refresh_interval_seconds": 60,
"proxy_server_url": "<>",
"network_list": [
"name": "Public Node 1",
"address": "<>"
"name": "Public Node 2",
"address": "<>"

Network List

The Network List Page displays after a failed response from INTERX. In MIRO, there are four possible states for an INTERX server:

  1. Unknown (grey) - MIRO is waiting for a response from INTERX which can take several minutes.
  2. Healthy (green) - MIRO will automatically connect if INTERX provides a correct response from the /api/status endpoint, the INTERX version is supported by MIRO, and the difference between the last block time and local user time is less than 5 minutes.
  3. Unhealthy (yellow) - MIRO will not connect automatically. User consent is required to connect if INTERX provides a correct response from the /api/status endpoint, but the INTERX version is not supported by MIRO, or the difference between the last block time and local user time exceeds 5 minutes.
  4. Offline (red) - If INTERX responds with a bad response code (40X or 50X), it's considered offline.

MIRO periodically checks the INTERX status, no more frequently than every 60 seconds. This interval can be lengthened in the network_list_config.json file. Any value below 60 will be reset to avoid unintended excessive requests to servers.